

General Informations :

KITECLUB's primary base is situated near Tong Sala pier on the southern end of Koh Phangan island, serving as the central hub for its kitesurfing activities. This location is favored for its convenience to accommodations and other amenities. The club also operates a seasonal secondary site in Chaloklum, located on the island's northern side, specifically utilized during the north wind season from November to January. This seasonal arrangement allows KITECLUB to offer optimal kitesurfing conditions by leveraging the prevailing winds of each location throughout the year.

What is included :

  • Theory on the beach

  • Setup the kite

  • Safety system

  • Launching and landing as assistent

  • First piloting

  • Flying the kite 70% of the lesson

  • Relunch kite from the water

Terms And Conditions :

    Schedule may be adjusted due to weather conditions.