

General Informations :

Asia Blue Tours stands out as the largest and most dependable tourist company on Koh Phangan Island, offering an unrivaled array of tours that showcase the island's beauty and attractions.

Scuba Diving at Ang Thong Marine Park

Enjoy a day scuba diving at Ang Thong Marine Park. Coral here is abundant and you are likely to see Elephant Tusk Coral, Brain Coral, Stag Coral. Also in deeper waters, Plate Corals, Flower Corals and Goniopora. Fish found around these reefs include Butterflyfish and Angelfish. Also Parrotfish, Stingray, Black Tip Sharks and Groupers. The diversity of hard and soft corals is mesmerising, with gardens full of marine life.

Scuba diving at Ang Thong Marine Park, visibility can range from 5m to over 30m, yet the dive sites remain dive able all year round. With Koh Wao and Koh Yippon, we are one of only a handful of dive operators who visit these islands. As a result his means that you normally have the site all to yourself. It’s truly back to nature around the islands of Ang Thong National Marine Park.

Not just featuring well preserved corals and a wide diversity of marine life, but the stunning scenery above the water too.

Furthermore, most of the islands are close to each other, making a breathtaking panorama when sailing around the park. All the islands are of different sizes and shapes and are covered with tropical forests.

A relaxing and rewarding day out for both divers and snorkelers.

What is included :

Dive trip includes: 2 dives All required dive equipment Dive guide Lunch Fresh fruits Water and soft drinks Free resort transfers are included from most locations. Taxi fee is payable if located in Thong Nai Pan. Transfers from Haad Yuan or Haad Tien are not available.